Now that I am back home I can truly appreciate everything I discovered while abroad. After the VT trip I went to Paris with my friend Michelle then I went to Rome and Venice with my mom. Although there are many things I like and dislike about all the different countries here is my break down of my favourite countries:
1. Spain
Great food, friendly people amazing sites-If you never picked up the paper you would have no clue that they have 25% unemployment! They are so happy!
2. Switzerland
Friendly people-great food- extreme sports... need I say more?
3. Tie! Between Germany and London
Germany had really friendly people, were really efficient and loved to have a good time!
London obviously speaks English, the city is very cosmopolitan and historical. The people are friendly!
4. Amsterdam
Cool canals, interesting architecture and the Heineken factory. The people know how to have fun but the Red Light District is a little sketchy in my opinion.
5. Italy
Great history, beautiful sites but many didn't seem to like Americans... catered more towards men.
6. France
I feel like a traitor since I spent half of my summer here! - But the reason why I gave France the last slot was because of their extreme hostility towards Americans. I know there are unfriendly people in every country- but with the exception of maybe two Frenchmen every one was snobby, rude and hostile. They are under the delusion that Napoleon still rules the world and they are untouchable- Wake up call! He's long gone so you can drop the 'tude. On the bright side, they have good food and many great historical attractions! Especially in Paris.
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